
Below are some of the eco friendly projects that osci has worked on

The Cub is a new carbon neutral level 5 type of modular housing solution that we are very proud to be a part of. We completed all the internal works on these homes using the highest level of eco friendly finish materials available. These homes were shown at the Ideal Home Show in the Eco Village this year and also the Grand Designs Show, London.

Oxley Woods is a 145 home project that we have worked on in partnership with Highglade Decorators, in Milton Keynes. These homes are 50% more efficient than standard build homes and have many unique eco friendly features including the eco hat air flow system. On this project we completed the plasterboard linings, taping and jointing and decoration.

Park homes are timber framed, affordable properties that are situated throughout the UK and Europe. Our scope of works in this market includes the internal framing, boarding, taping and jointing and all elements of decoration works. The companiesthat we work for in this market, use timber from renewable sources and have strict eco policies in place within every aspect of the builds and the products used. We also work within the maintenance sector of this market, which entails sending labour to various parks throughout the country.